The role of work-based learning (WBL) in achieving job satisfaction: An empirical study on retail companies in Egypt

نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية


قسم ادارة الاعمال،كلية التجارة وادارة الاعمال،جامعة حلوان،القاهره،مصر


Retail companies are among the small business organizations that face the most challenges in all fields, especially how to support employee performance levels and increase the level of job satisfaction. Therefore, there are many methods of functional learning, whether inside or outside work, that organizations use to ensure an appropriate level of employee skills and abilities. WBL is considered one of the most important methods used to increase the value of learning within the work environment and ensure the achievement of an appropriate level of job satisfaction. Therefore, the current research sought to study the role of WBL in achieving job satisfaction in retail companies in Egypt by distributing 500 questionnaires; the number of correct responses was 153, representing 30.6%. Using a descriptive analytical approach to test the hypotheses, it was concluded that there is agreement among the research sample about the positive role that WBL plays in achieving job satisfaction in the companies studied, supported by quantitative data on the work turnover rate before and after the initial use of WBL in one of the retail companies in Egypt. This research recommends the need to support the use of WBL by specialists, universities, and consulting centers in the field of learning.

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