The Relationship between Quality of Work Life and Organizational Commitment: An Analysis of the Mediating Role of Job Satisfaction by Applying to the Employees of the Central Administration of Customs of the Red Sea and the Southern Region

نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية


كلية التجارة , جامعة جنوب الوادي, قنا


The study aimed to address two of the most important phenomena of organizational behavior, which are job satisfaction and organizational commitment through the quality of work life. The study mainly aims to identify the relationship between the quality of work life and organizational commitment and the role of job satisfaction in this relationship. The research population is represented in the employees of the Central Administration of Customs of the Red Sea and the Southern Region. Since the research population contains many departments and jobs, the researcher took a simple random sample from them, as the sample size reached 380 individuals distributed among the employees of the Central Administration of Customs of the Red Sea and the Southern Region. The researcher has reached a set of results, the most important of which is the level of job satisfaction of the employees of the Central Administration of Customs of the Red Sea and the Southern Region as an intermediate variable in the relationship between the quality of work life and their organizational commitment. The researcher also recommended a set of recommendations, the most important of which is that both senior management and human resources management work to improve and enhance the quality of work life by applying modern administrative practices such as empowerment, internal marketing, and activating job enrichment. As well as raising the level of job satisfaction and organizational commitment among employees by restructuring wage and incentive systems and adopting a fair wage system, and working develop new programs

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